The “Turkish Financial Sector Leaders Summit” will be held on December 2 this year.

28 Noyabr 2022 - 11:52

The “Turkish Financial Sector Leaders Summit” will be held on December 2 this year.

This was reported by the Public Association, Azerbaijan Franchise Association (AFA).

The information states that the “Turkish Financial Sector Leaders Summit” will be held on December 2, 2022, at the “Baku Business Center” organized by AFA, our partner operating in Turkey and Azerbaijan under the brand “Your Consultant”, in partnership with KOBIA. and KOBSKA organizations.

The summit brings together the general managers of regulators, financial technology companies, associations, representatives of international financial institutions, local embassies, and well-known financial institutions in the Turkic world.
The summit will include discussions on the following topics:
- Open banking;
- New methods and technological solutions in the digitalization of the banking sector;
- the important role of human resources in the banking sector;
- Banking sales and sales strategies;

- Cyber security and technological solutions in the field of security;
- Profitable treasury management;
- Strategic issues of formation of the insurance industry;
- Organization and management of sales in the insurance sector;
- Management of DATA-centers;
- RPA applications;
- Digital insurance and health insurance
The “Turkish Financial Sector Leaders Summit” is the only financial event in Azerbaijan, in which only senior officials of Turkey's leading banks and insurance companies take part together.

AFA is a non-governmental organization whose main goal is to develop franchising relations in our country, registered by the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan on June 30, 2022, and operates based on its charter.

The main activities of the AFA include the development of franchising relations in our country, the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the participants in these relations, ensuring network interaction between them, supporting the creation of national brands through the franchising mechanism, improving and promoting existing brands, and assisting in the development of our economy.