The first meeting of the Board of the Public Union of the Azerbaijan Franchise Association was held

10 Oktyabr 2022 - 11:11

The first meeting of the Board of the Public Union of the Azerbaijan Franchise Association was held

The first meeting of the Board of the Public Union of the Azerbaijan Franchise Association was held

AFA Chairman Jamid Movsumov opened the event with an introductory speech and welcomed the participants of the meeting. AFA Advisor Dogan Tomris then delivered a speech and detailed the AFA membership process and the new membership proposals. AFA Advisor Rufat Dadashov gave detailed information on international and local investors contacted and the search for new investors.

Several decisions were made at the meeting:

At the meeting, the initial composition of the AFA Board of Directors was approved and the start of work of the relevant commissions was planned.

It was decided that AFA will be presented with a special stand at the international exhibition "Bayim Olurmusun", which will be held in the Republic of Turkey on October 27-30.

AFA is a non-governmental organization whose main goal is the development of franchising relations in our country, registered on June 30, 2022, by the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan and operates based on its charter.

The main activities of the AFA include the development of franchising relations in our country, the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the participants in these relations, ensuring network interaction between them, supporting the creation of national brands through the franchising mechanism, improving and promoting existing brands, and assisting in the development of our economy.